Contact Cheryl for needs related to:

  • Corporate Culture Transformation
  • Building Effective Teams
  • Professional Development
  • Success Mindset Coaching
  • Leadership Game
  • Workshops & Seminars
  • Values-Based Round Tables

The Maxwell Method of DISC


Each of us is wired with a unique style of communication and collaborating with others. When we use our best to serve people and projects, we enjoy a higher degree of performance and a lesser degree of difficulty in our interactions with others. 


What is DISC? 


The DISC Personality System was created by Dr. William Marston at Harvard in the 1920’s. It is a formula for understanding human behavior and communication based on predictable patterns. Research shows that behavioral characteristics can be grouped together in four major groups. People with similar styles tend to exhibit specific behavioral characteristics common to that style. All people share these four styles in varying degrees of intensity.


Dominance – Direct, Decisive, Driven

Influence – Inspiring, Persuasive, Impulsive

Steadiness – Stable, Thoughtful, Reliable

Compliance – Conscientious, Organized, Systematic


Our Maxwell Method of DISC Reports focus on the following areas:

Communication Impact Report

Your responses to online questions, generates a report which shows your communication style, information on your strengths in influencing results, and provides tips on how to effectively communicate, connect, and collaborate with people whose styles may be different from yours.


Knowledge of the DISC System empowers you to understand yourself, family members, co-workers, and friends in a profound way.


Understanding  behavioral styles helps you become a better communicator, appreciate the differences in others, minimize or  prevent conflicts, and positively  influence those around you.

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College and Career Impact Report

Imagine having a tool that will help you make the best decision about your college major based on your personality style.  Imagine how much time, money, and energy you would save, for yourself or your child, if you could take a 10-15 minute questionnaire to help you make those  college/career choices. 


When you or your student invest 10-15 minutes answering online questions you will receive a report that helps you understand:

  • Your communication style.
  • What motivates you.
  • Your ideal environment.
  • Your strength characteristics.
  • Your learning style: How you best absorb new information.
  • Your thinking style.
  • How you respond to pressure.
  • Careers and occupations that need your style
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Sales Impact Report

Learn your unique selling style, your strengths and how to maximize them, your challenges and how to overcome them, the keys to recognizing your prospect’s buying style, and the five-point strategy to improving sales with each of the four primary buying styles.


If you sell any product, service, the Maxwell Sales Impact Report will guide you to impactful results!

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The John Maxwell Team Leadership Game

A team-building game based on the teachings of John C. Maxwell. The game helps organizations improve their leadership intelligence and increase their effectiveness.



“Because everything rises and falls  on leadership,” says Maxwell. “These leadership principles carry consequences with them.  Apply the laws in your organization and people will follow you. Violate and ignore them, and you will not be able to lead others. But there’s good news: every one of the laws can be learned.”  



Play the game with your team of your most influential leaders and find out! 


We offer multiple versions of The Leadership game:

  • Corporate
  • Sales
  • Teen (ages 13-19)


Contact Me for More Information: 732-642-6495

The Identity Effect

Cheryl Matthews had the privilege to contribute to this book by writing a chapter from her perspective and experience.

You can purchase the book on amazon or directly from Cheryl.

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Jersey Shore Live2Lead

Live2Lead is an annual leadership event in October.  The event features 5 world-renowned leaders bringing original content.
