The BrainCo STEM Kit engages educators and learners to explore STEM fields with an easy to implement, easy to scale kit modeled after real award-winning technology and allows students to explore STEM career fields with materials and curriculum based on real world technology.  

Curriculum is ideal for Middle School and High School students.

Dr. Williams was joined by two robotics experts from BrainCo to talk about their new product, NeuroMaker

The NeuroMaker Challenge

The Neuromaker Creative Challenge is open to all who wish to participate, whether you are a group of hobbyists or class of students.

The premise of this challenge is that students will choose a socially conscious engineering problem they would like to solve and present a prototype on how they would solve it.

Find out more about how to enter and participate below.


Check Out the STEM Webinar Series

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Webinar Series